You can create a swept surface by sweeping out a profile in planes normal to a spine curve while taking other user-defined parameters such as guide curves catia v5 sweep tutorial reference elements into account. If this mode also fails, no connection strategy is applied. You can relimit the default spine, thus avoiding to split it to create the swept surface. You can create a swept surface by sweeping out a profile in planes normal to a spine curve while taking other user-defined parameters such as guide curves and reference elements into catja. Moreover, it can automatically catia v5 sweep tutorial planer surfaces if they exist in the swept surface. You can sweep an explicit profile: The surface has no twisted areas any more nor any hole introduced by a previous cusp or twist detection. Four types of laws are available: This capability is tuutorial with all types of swept surfaces, except for the With tangency surface tutoriql With two catia v5 sweep tutorial surfaces subtypes of the linear profile, and the One guide and tangency surface of the circular profile.Ĭlick the Explicit catia v5 sweep tutorial icon and select With pulling direction from the Subtype drop-down list. If you modify the length value after clicking Previewand the swept surface to be generated has no twisted area, the generated swept surface will still be cut. Click the Line profile icon and choose the With reference surface subtype. Whatever the type of sweep, whenever a value is requested angle or length you can click Law to display the Law Definition dialog box. You can define relimiters points or planes in order to longitudinally reduce the domain of the sweep, if the swept surface is longer than necessary for example. Click Preview again in the Swept Surface Definition dialog box. Specify an anchor point on the profile by selecting a point. These parameters and the catia v5 sweep tutorial manipulators will allow you to position the profile in the first sweep plane. Creating Swept Surfaces Using an Explicit Profile

However, in a few cases, even though the spine is not tangent continuous, the swept surface tutoriall computed: Optionally, you can impose an Angle. These anchor points are intersection points between the guides and the profile’s plane or the profile itself, through which the guiding curves catia v5 sweep tutorial pass. The With pulling Catia v5 sweep tutorial subtype is equivalent to the Tutotial reference surface subtype with a reference plane normal to the pulling direction. The following sub-types are available: A smoothing is performed using correction default parameters in tangency and curvature. Detecting Canonical Portions for Surfaces. This may be necessary when small discontinuities are detected with regards to the spine tangency or the reference surface’s normal. The Swept Surface Definition dialog box appears.
This task catia v5 sweep tutorial you how to create swept surfaces that use an explicit profile.Ĭlick the Sweep icon. You can check the Inverse law button to reverse the law as defined using the above options. Select the xy plane as the reference surface. Check Tutotial cutters on Preview and click Preview. Select the Profile to be swept out DemoProfile1. With reference surface With two guide curves With pulling direction.
ĭo anyone have the full tutorial of sweep in wireframe and surface design catia v5? These profiles must not be T- The Swept Surface Definition dialog box appears. This task shows you how to create swept surfaces that use an explicit profile. You can create a swept surface by sweeping out a profile in planes normal to a spine curve while taking other user-defined parameters (such as guide curves. This tutorial shows you how to build a shape design from a basic wireframe model This task shows how to create swept surfaces and fillets on both sides of the.